Hello and welcome to Athena Holistics, a small family run business whose sole purpose is to embrace others of the true sense of bringing positivity into one’s life. With the opening of minds and willing to accept something new into your life along with a more positive mental approach you can conquer many things preventing you going forward through your path in life.
Our philosophy is to teach you new tools and skills to empower you even more in lots of different ways through our various healing techniques, affirmations and spirituality. We provide therapies as part of healing and also we are about education to teach new skills to others of all the therapies that we provide for new comers to the therapy industry as well as to existing practitioners.
Debbie and Andy come from professional backgrounds as qualified teachers with many years teaching within schools. Our own health and wellbeing has always been of priority to us throughout our lives and always conscious of what we eat and drink. We are also about keeping our bodies fit and able and doing exercise on a consistent basis allowing the intensity to be suitable to our own abilities and considering our age as well.
As a mother and father of two lovely daughters and lovers of our own animals we have always strived to emphasize the importance of good health and fitness and be aware of what we put into our mouths. The same also goes towards our own children and animals .
We are very much a part of our own small community of people called the “Circle of Friends” where we practice spirituality in a very unique way. For you to access any of our therapies or training workshops you will not be on your own as we are always here to welcome you, help you along your own journey with great support from the many within our Circle of Friends.
We are here for you, to listen and make the necessary choices required for your healing and change of mindset toward a much better life. Please feel free to wonder around this website and please ask any questions. Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.