Spiritual Quartz Crystals


Spirit Quartz radiates a very powerful healing energy.

It has a profound connection to our Crown Chakra and can assist us in achieving deep states while meditating, shamanic journeying or during astral travel.  Spirit Quartz shields our aura and transmutes negativity around us allowing us to remain calm and peaceful.  A highly spiritual stone, Spirit Quartz wants us to live the life we deserve and will do its part to raise our vibration and connect us to our higher self.



Spirit Quartz radiates a very powerful healing energy.

It has a profound connection to our Crown Chakra and can assist us in achieving deep states while meditating, shamanic journeying or during astral travel.  Spirit Quartz shields our aura and transmutes negativity around us allowing us to remain calm and peaceful.  A highly spiritual stone, Spirit Quartz wants us to live the life we deserve and will do its part to raise our vibration and connect us to our higher self.

This magnified energy stimulates us physically, intellectually, spiritually and emotionally while focusing our energy on deciphering the core of our issues or dis-ease.  It is an excellent stone to use in groups as it promotes unity and harmony,  encouraging teamwork and a willingness to work together for a common cause.

Spirit Quartz is an unusual member of the Quartz family – a community within a stone. Its core, a larger, candle-shaped crystal with a faceted termination point, is encrusted with hundreds of smaller crystal termination points. Also referred to as Cactus.

In the metaphysical world, Spirit Quartz is a crystal of Harmony and Alignment. It takes all the crystal energies of the main stone and amplifies them over and over again in all the tiny points, each reflecting light back and forth to one another so all can bathe in the combined radiance of the whole.

Size: 80mm long x 60mm high